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Title: Certificate II in Computing (Computer Support/Software and Hardware)
Code: ITCS20517
Level: 2
Accreditation date: 2nd November 2017
Accreditation Expiry: 2nd November 2022
Course Status: Under review
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSDC0712 Develop basic communication skills 2 2
GSWS0212 Follow work place safety procedures 2 3
GSPC0312 Maintain quality and product care 2 2
GSUC0212 Develop knowledge on basic mathematics using calculators 1 2
Core Industry Units
ITWE0212 Work and communicate effectively in an IT environment 2 3
ITIC0712 Interact with ICT clients 2 2
ITOH0312 Use computer operating system and hardware 2 3
ITPS0111 Apply problem solving techniques to routine malfunctions 2 2
ITHN0512 Connect and use a home-based local wireless network 2 3
Specialised Units
ITCH0311 Connect internal hardware components 3 4
ITCC0811 Care for computer hardware 3 4
ITPS0711 Provide first-level remote helpdesk support 3 4
ITLD0511 Create a mark-up language document to specification 3 3
ITDA0211 Identify and resolve network problems 3 3
ITDD0111 Design basic organisational documents using computer packages 2 4
ITDP0211 Detect and protect from spam and destructive software 2 2
ITIP0112 Incorporate indigenous needs and perspectives into IT environment 2 4
Elective Units
EERC0711 Repair basic computer equipment faults by replacement of modules/sub-assemblies 2 4
BFBB0111 Develop knowledge on basic bookkeeping 1 3