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Title: Certificate I in Tourism (Customer Service)
Code: HTCS10317
Level: 1
Accreditation date:  11th May 2018
Accreditation Expiry: 11th May 2022
Course Status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSBC0112 Apply basic communication skills 1 2
GSHS0412 Follow workplace occupational health and safety requirements 2 2
GSDE0112 Work in a socially diverse environment 1 1
GSCT0112 Interact with computing technology 1 2
GSWC0112 Work with colleagues and customers 1 3
Core Industry Units
THTK0211 Demonstrate knowledge of tourism in Vanuatu 1 2
THTI0111 Develop and update tourism industry knowledge 1 2
Specialized Units
THCS0111 Provide customer care service 1 2
THIA0212 Provide information and assistance 1 2
THVD0211 Source and provide Vanuatu destination information and advice 2 3
THCF0111 Receive and process customer's feedback 2 2
THAD0111 Offer arrival and departure assistance 2 2
THVI0111 Provide visitors information 2 2
THDI0311 Source and provide international destination information and advice 2 3
Elective Units
THCM0111 Clean and maintain premises and equipment 1 2
BFOE0111 Use office equipment 1 3
BFHM0311 Handle mail 1 1
BFTC0111 Communicate on the telephone 1 2
BFBB0111 Develop knowledge on basic bookkeeping 1 3