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Title: Certificate I in Automotive Engineering (Small Engine Servicing)
Code: AESE10116
Level: 1
Accreditation date: 24th November 2016
Accreditation Expiry: 24th November 2021
Course Status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSBF0112 Apply basic first aid 1 2
GSBC0112 Apply basic communication skills 1 2
GSWC0112 Work with colleagues and customers 1 3
GSUM0212 Use and maintain work place tools and equipment 2 2
GSCT0112 Interact with computing technology 1 2
Core Industry Units
AUER0211 Comply with environmental regulations and best practice in the automotive industry 2 2
AUJE0416 Prepare job estimate/costing 1 2
AUSW0316 Apply safe working practices 1 1
Specialised Units
AUOE0116 Demonstrate knowledge of the operation of small engines 1 1
AUFS0216 Demonstrate knowledge of fuel systems and fuel system requirements for small engines 1 2
AUAL0316 Use and apply lubricants/coolants in small engines 1 1
AUIE0116 Measure and interpret engine performance 2 4
AFMO0712 Maintain chainsaw engine power in operating condition 1 2
AUCO0516 Maintain grass cutter power in operating condition 1 2
AUEP0716 Maintain lawn mower engine power in operating condition 1 2
AUOM0816 Maintain outboard motor engine in good condition 1 2
AUMP0916 Maintain outboard motor engine power in operating condition 1 1
AFCG0312 Keep and maintain chainsaw guide bar and cutters in good condition 1 2
AUNP1016 Maintain non engine parts 1 2
AUDC0216 Service outboard engines drive and control 2 3
AUCS1116 Demonstrate knowledge of small engine air cooling system and their test service procedure 1 2
AUDF0316 Test, diagnose, and rectify faults in a small engine 2 3
AURE0611 Carry out minor repair to electrical circuit/system 2 4
Elective Unit
BFKR0211 File and keep records 1 3