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The Vanuatu Qualifications Authority (VQA) is mandated under the VQA Act No.1 of 2014 to safeguard the public interest of the people of Vanuatu by ensuring sound standards of Post-School Education and Training (PSET) delivery and that qualifications are achieved, maintained and continuously improved. The VQA supports, inform and encourages providers of education and training to meet national and internation quality standards, and meet their obligations for registration of their organization, accreditation of courses and ongoing quality assurance.

As part of the Quality Assurance processes, the University of the South Pacific (USP) Emalus Campus in Port Vila is a registered Provider under the VQA Act for a period of five (5) years.  The registration period has now elapsed and in preparation for the renewal of its registration, an External Quality Review has been conducted from 3rd to 5th June 2024 by International and Regional Auditors appointed by the Authority. Major purposes for the audit were to identify how well:

  1. The University’s practices comply with its own policies and procedures, meet the minimum VQAF standards for registration, condition of registration etc
  2. the outcomes of the University’s education and training services meet the needs of its stakeholders;
  3. the University continuously improves is outcomes and performance; and
  4. if the University of the South Pacific Emalus Campus is ready to apply for renewal of its registration.

The three days site visit to Emalus Campus was completed on Wednesday 5th June 2024 and the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority would like to express its sincere gratitude to the University of the South Pacific Board and Management, Head of Schools and Faculties, Lecturers, Tutors, staff and students both from Laucala and Emalus Campus for their corporation and commitment during the whole process of the External Review.