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Vanuatu College of Nursing Education (VCNE), as the only nursing college in the country, has been registered with the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority (VQA) since 8th of December 2014, where the registration duration lasts till 8th of December 2019. After the registration period has elapsed, VQA conducted an external review on VCNE from 20th of July to 10th of August 2021 and assigned a quality status of poor after the review. Due to this, the VQA Board suspended VCNE registration until all issues identified in the external review are rectified before applying for renewal of registration. 

The Vanuatu Qualifications Authority Board has recently approved and granted VCNE’s renewal of registration on 26th of August 2024. The renewal of registration period is for five years till 26th of August 2029.

Despite having a poor-quality status during the external review carried out by VQA in 2021, VCNE has worked hard to meet the requirements and standards set by VQA to be granted a renewal of registration by VQA to ensure VCNE is able to operate as a national recognized nursing institution in Vanuatu. VQA and VCNE will continue to work in collaboration to sort out any non-compliances to ensure quality training delivered to Ni-Vanuatu citizens.