On Friday 10th of May 2019, Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) celebrated the graduation of thirteen of its students for the completion of their program in Certificate III in Finance (Accounting).
The graduation took place at the VNPF Conference room, gathering families and friends who came to celebrate the achievement of the learners.
Thirteen learners graduated from the Certificate III in Finance (Accounting) including six males and seven females.
The VCCI General Manager, Mrs Astrid Boulekone, confirmed in her speech that most of the learners are job-secured thanks to companies that hosted them for their attachment or practical.
In fact, while doing their practical, some of the learners were told they would be working as full-time employee after graduation.
The learners made their work placement for three weeks and a one-day field trip.
The CEO of the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority, Mr David Lambukly, mentioned that this graduation marks another certification from the courses accredited by the VQA Board. He further re-iterated the fact that the students secure full-time jobs before their graduation means that the Course meets the needs of the employers/industries. Last Pacific Vocational Training Centre graduated its student and most of them have secured jobs.
This is a clear indication that the courses accredited by the VQA meet the need of employers/industries.
The certificates were presented by Mr Lambukly and Mr Shaun Gilchrist.
Ms Ruth Merelyn Toa, one of the graduates, said she was very happy for her achievement. She cannot wait to enter the real world of work.
The VQA is the national regulator for the Vanuatu Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system and is mandated to ensure that PSET providers are registered and deliver accredited courses. VQA also ensures that learners graduate with quality-assured and recognized qualifications that will lead to employment opportunity.