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The first ever National Human Resources Development Plan 2020 – 2030 was launched on 27th November 2019 by the Right Honorable Prime Minister Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas.

In his speech of launching as quoted “while it is an outstanding achievement to now have Vanuatu’s first National HRD Plan, it will mean little, unless the mechanism are in place to ensure its effective implementation.” End of quote. The Honorable Prime Minister further alluded that “In this regard the Board of the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority has a pivotal role to ensure that hard questions are systematically asked, whenever Post – School Education and Training investment decisions are being considered.” End of quote.

In addition, under the VQA Act (2014),  the VQA Board with its strong representation from the productive sectors and the private sectors, is accountable to the Minister of Education and Training for the performance of PSET system. And it essential therefore that the VQA Board actively pursue its legislated mandate and play a pivotal role in the implementation of the NRHDP.

It is in this context that the VQA Board members met on 11th – 13th March 2020 at Lonnoc Resort, East Santo, to discuss and develop the Implementation Plan of the NHRD Plan 2020 – 2030. A first draft implementation plan was developed and the Board tasked Peter Morris to finalize the draft and circulate it for further comments before it goes to the VQA Board for endorsement.

The Board also resolved that an officer is to be recruited to coordinate the implementation of NHRD Plan and that the officer will be located at VQA. The Board requested the VQA CEO to develop draft terms of reference for the position and present these at the next Board meeting.