The work of the VQA is governed by the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority Act No. 1 of 2014. You can download this document here, either in English or French.
Other important documents for the day to day work of VQA are the PSET (Post School Education and Training) Policy and the PSET Policy Implementation Plan.
The Quality Assurance Committee is a Committee of the VQA Board which evaluates applications for registration, course accreditation and approval to deliver against the relevant VQAF standards and criteria and develops a recommendation for the outcome to the VQA Board or the CEO of the VQA, depending on the type of application.
The Committee is normally made up of six (6) members as follows:
- One member of the VQA Board;
- Two members who have expertise in Education and Training; and
- Three members normally selected from the established Industry Skills Council or from professional bodies where appropriate. For course accreditation applications for courses at level 5 or above which have not been accredited overseas, one or two these members will be academic leaders with experience in leading and/or accrediting courses at this level and in the particular field. One of the academic leaders must be from an overseas institution of higher education.
On a case-by-case basis, the VQA may engage one or more additional external specialists to participate in the Quality Assurance Committee to ensure sufficient expertise across the Committee members to make a judgement on the application.
The Committee chairperson is elected amongst the Committee members.
A VQA Quality Assurance and Compliance Division staff member attends the Committee's meeting as secretary to the Committee and to provide advice and clarifications as required.
The Validation committee is an internal committee comprised of VQA staff from the Quality Assurance and Compliance Division and the Standards and Qualifications Division. Its role is to undertake preliminary evaluation of all applications for registration, course accreditation and approval to deliver to ensure that the application forms are properly completed and that the evidence provided is valid, sufficient, reliable, current and authentic.
On a case-by-case basis, the VQA may engage an external advisor to participate in the Validation Committee to ensure sufficient expertise across the Committee members to make a judgement on the validity, sufficiency, reliability, currency and authenticity of the application documents.
Provider details
Registered Providers
This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.
Course details
Accredited Courses
The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.