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Title: Certificate I in Livestock (Poultry Management)
Code: AFPM10416
Level: 1
Accreditation date:  24th November 2016
Accreditation Expiry: 24th November 2021
Course Status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSCI0212 Organise and communicate information 1 2
GSUC0212 Develop knowledge on basic mathematics using calculators 1 2
Core Industry Units
AFEW0121 Support extensive small livestock work 1 2
AFIW0212 Support intensive small livestock work 1 2
AFCR0312 Collect and record production data 1 3
AFSP1012 Set up shed for placement of day-old chickens 2 3
Specialised Units
AFCP0312 Catch, pick up, carry and hold chicken 2 1
AFMW0612 Maintain chicken water supplies 2 3
AFSF0712 Mix and mill standard stock feed 2 2
AFWS0612 Monitor water supplies 1 2
AFCF0712 Prepare chicken feed 1 2
AFBC0712 Rescue chickens and apply basic chicken care 2 2
AFAF0112 Assist with food preparation 2 3
AFES1012 Select and establish a poultry site 1 2
AFMT0612 Construct and maintain feed and water troughs 1 3
AFMF0612 Install, maintain and repair fencing 2 3
AFCC1312 Support chicken care cleaning activities 1 2
AFHW0512 Maintain health and welfare of poultry 2 3
Elective Unit
BFBB0111 Develop knowledge of basic bookkeeping  1 3