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Title: Certificate I in Business
Code: BFBU10618
Level: 1
Accreditation date:  26th July 2018
Accreditation Expiry: 26th July 2023
Course status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course

  • There currently is no provider who has Approval to Deliver for this course

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Industry Unit
BFTC0111 Communicate on the telephone 1 2
Specialized Units
BFOE0111 Use office equipment 1 3
BFKR0211 File and keep records 1 3
BFAL0111 Develop asset and liabilities records 2 3
BFET0111 Develop basic knowledge on business and economy 1 3
BFSR0111 Develop knowledge on supplier relationship 1 3
BFCR0111 Create customer relationship 2 4
BFCI0111 Provide information to clients 2 3
BFIW0111 Implement improved work practices 2 4
BFHM0311 Handle mail 1 1
Elective Units
BFBT0212 Use business technology 2 2
BFFS0911 Apply basic personal finance skills 2 3
BFBB0111 Develop knowledge on basic bookkeeping 1 3
BFCI0311 Create an invoice 1 2
BFDC0111 Develop understanding of debt and consumer credit 1 3
BFSP0511 Develop and use a savings plan 1 3