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Title: Certificate II in Business
Code: BFBU20718
Level: 2
Accreditation date: 26th July 2018
Accreditation Expiry: 26th July 2023
Course status: Under review
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

  • There currently is no provider who has Approval to Deliver for this course

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSPA0112 Plan a complete activity 3 2
GSPC0312 Maintain quality and product care 2 2
GSMK0117 Introduction to Marketing 3 3
GSCP0117 Cost a product 2 3
GSEP0512 Follow OHS procedures and observe environment work practices 2 2
Specialised Units Business
BFCS0111 Deliver a service to customers 2 3
BFBE0211 Work effectively in a business environment 2 3
BFMB0112 Develop knowledge on micro business opportunities in Vanuatu 2 3
BFGI0212 Develop a micro-business proposal 3 3
BFBR0412 Determine resource requirements for the micro-business 3 2
BFBF0312 Organize finance for the micro-business 3 3
BFSP0117 Sell products and services 2 3
BFBB0111 Develop knowledge on basic bookkeeping 1 3
BFKR0211 File and keep records 1 3
BFPB0117 Develop, use and monitor a personal budget 1 3
BFPP0111 Apply purchasing and stock control procedures 3 4
BFFD0211 Prepare and process financial business documents 2 3
BFSS0212 Provide sales solutions to customers 3 4
Specialised Units Handicraft
THHI0317 Package and label handicraft products 2 2
THVD0211 Source and provide Vanuatu destination information and advice 2 3
THVH0111 Develop knowledge on Vanuatu history, custom, culture and traditions 2 4
THAC0411 Demonstrate knowledge of, and produce art and craft products for tourism in Vanuatu 2 3
THHI0117 Source and use information on the handicraft industry 2 3
THHI0217 Introduction to design of handicraft products to meet market demand 2 3
THSC0212 Provide service to customers 3 4
Specialised Units Agri-business
AFAM0117 Source and use information on the agriculture industry in Vanuatu 2 3
AFLP0117 Package and label agricultural products 2 1
AFGS0117 Transport agricultural goods and services 2 2