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Title: Certificate II in Business (Administration Services)
Code: BFBA20517
Level: 2
Accreditation date: 6th December 2017
Accreditation Expiry: 6th December 2022
Course Status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSWI0412 Communicate and interact effectively in the workplace 1 2
GSMI0712 Maintain information records system to ensure its integrity 2 2
Core Industry Units
BFMS0312 Deliver and monitor a service to customers 3 3
BFCC0111 Process customer complaints 3 3
BFIM0111 Develop knowledge on intermediate mathematics using Excel 2 2
Specialised Units
BFWI0111 Process and maintain workplace information 2 3
BFCR0111 Create customer relationship 2 4
GSCJ0312 Organize and complete daily job activities 3 2
BFCF0111 Process customer feedback 2 4
BFRP0211 Receive and process service request 2 3
BFKC0111 Develop knowledge on confidentiality 3 3
BFBR0312 Maintain business resources 3 3
BFBE0111 Develop knowledge on basic economic theory 2 3
BFMR0111 Maintain customer and supplier relations 3 3
BFMB0112 Develop knowledge on micro business opportunities in Vanuatu 2 3
Elective Units
BFCD0111 Manage creditors and debtors 2 2
BFPS0211 Recommend products and services 3 3
BFFD0211 Prepare and process financial business documents 2 3
BFDB0211 Develop knowledge in Accounting 1 - Basic introduction of double entry of bookkeeping 2 4