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Title: Certificate II in Agriculture (Crop Establishment)
Code: AFCE20617
Level: 2
Accreditation date: 11th May 2017
Accreditation Expiry: 11th May 2022
Course Status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation period: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Elective Units
Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSRI0112 Read and interpret work place documents 2 1
Core Industry Units
AFAC0112 Apply chemicals under supervision 1 2
AFMW0412 Monitor weather conditions 3 2
AFTW0712 Treat weeds 1 2
AFPL0712 Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop production 2 2
Specialised Units
AFEC0212 Establish agricultural crops 2 1
AFAE0112 Assist agricultural crop establishment 2 2
AFCM0112 Assist agricultural crop maintenance 2 2
AFBG0612 Undertake field budding and grafting 2 2
AFIR0312 Identify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs 3 2
AFOT0112 Operate tractors 2 2
AFIC0212 Inspect and clean machinery for plant, animal and soil material 2 2
AFPI0412 Provide information on plants and their culture 3 2
AFHO0112 Carry out postharvest operations 2 2
AFEP0512 Plan a plant establishment program 3 2
AFCH0612 Undertake agricultural crop harvesting activities 3 2
AFMC0512 Maintain agricultural crops 3 2
AFRC0512 Regulate crops  2 2
Elective Units
AFHC0112 Establish horticultural crops 2 2
AFPA0612 Undertake propagation activities 1 2
BFCR0111 Create customer relationship 2 4
BFSS0111 Create and use simple spreadsheet in excel 2 2
BFRE0811 Develop revenue and expense records 2 2