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Title: Certificate IV in Animal Science (Livestock husbandry and marketing)
Code: AFAS41023
Level: 4
Accreditation date:  19 October 2023
Accreditation Expiry date: 19 October 2028

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSMC0121 Manage conflict at work  4 2
GSES0321 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices  4 2
GSTE0612 Contribute to team effectiveness  3 2
Core Industry Units
BFFA0215 Report on financial activity  4 3
AFMR1321 Manage risk 4 2
GSMM0421 Implement a machinery management system  4 2
Specialized Units
AFTA0316 Arrange transport for farm produce or livestock  4 2
AFAM0221 Carry out ante-mortem inspection 4 3
AFSL0121 Slaughter livestock 4 3
AFPE0212 Carry out post-mortem examination of livestock 3 2
AFMP0321 Monitor the processing of meat products 4 3
AFAH1621 Apply abattoir hygiene  4 3
AFDP0421 Supervise pasture management in pastoral livestock  4 3
AFIW1521 Plan and implement weed control  4 4
AFFP0216 Develop feeding plans for a production system 4 2
AFAW0721 Maintain and monitor animal health wellbeing  4 3
AFMI0521 Manage infestations, diseases and parasites in animals  4 4
AFDM1821 Livestock health and disease management 5 8
AFHL0621 Handle livestock using basic techniques 3 3
AFHL0621 Prepare animals for disbudding, dehorning, tipping and foot trimming  4 3
AFMB0821 Identify breeding and mating system in animals  3 3
AFFP1221 Develop a whole farm plan  4 3
AFFR1121 Analyse financial records for primary production business  4 2
AFLM1721 Livestock marketing 5 8
AFIP0416 Implement intensive production systems  4 3