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Title: Certificate IV in Media and Journalism  
Code: MJMJ40119
Level: 4
Accreditation date: 23th August 2019
Accreditation Expiry: 23th August 2024
Course status: Under review 
Extension of accreditation status: September 2024 - February 2026

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

  • There currently is no provider who has apply to deliver this course

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSIC0112 Deal with conflict situation  3 2
Core Industry Units
MJCI0117  Conduct interviews  4 3
MJPI0217  Develop techniques for presenting information on radio  4 4
MJRP0316  Present radio programs  4 3
MJOS0417 Explore issues on air  5 3
MJCR0116 Conduct research  4 3
MJOC0117 Organize content for broadcast or publication  4 3
MJIR0117 Finalize and report on investigations  5 4
MJIJ0217 Apply investigative journalism  4 5
MJTP0117 Take photographs suitable publication within defence  4 3
MJFB0117 Provide services on a freelance basis  4 4
Specialized Units
MJTP0117 Shoot a wide range of television  4 7
MJWE0117 Develop writing and editing skills  5 12 
MJWJ0517  Write journalism 4 7
MJCA0317  Write narration and current affairs material  4 5
MJNW0117  Demonstrate basic news writing skills  3 3
MJMC0417  Write content for a range of media 4 5
MJPR0117  Develop and apply knowledge of public relation industry  5 8
MJLP0117  Layout pages using layout application for publication  4 6
MJEP0117  Apply codes and standards to ethical practice in journalism  5 4
MJED0217 Develop knowledge on values and ethical dilemmas exist in media  5
MJWP0218  Writing for print in Media and Journalism  4 5
MJBP0119  Write and broadcast political stories  4 5
MJPS0517 Prepare for public speaking  4 2