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Title: Certificate III in Animal Science (Animal Husbandry)
Code: AFAS30823
Level: 3
Accreditation date:  19 October 2023
Accreditation Expiry date: 19 October 2028

Providers that have approval to deliver this course:

Course structure:

Code Title Level Credits
Core Generic Units
GSIR0312 Identify, clarify and resolve problems  3 2
GSPI0112 Process and maintain workplace information  2 1
GSDC0712 Develop basic communication skills  2 2
GSCM0221 Develop procedures to minimize risks in the use of chemicals  4 2
Core Industry Units
AFCW0112 Coordinate worksite activities 3 1
AFCM0212 Co-ordinate and monitor intensive production performance  3 3
AFQA1112 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements  3 2
AFWP0712 Maintain and monitor environmental work practices  3 2
Specialized Units
AFRP0321 Identify and describe ruminant, pseudo-ruminant and monogastric animals 3 2
AFBA0316 Identify and select animals for breeding  4 1
AFSB0421 Carry out simple breeding and mating procedures 4 3
AFIL0112 Artificially inseminate livestock 3 3
AFNM1412 Prepare for and implement natural mating of livestock  3 1
AFAM0116 Oversee animal marking operations  4 2
AFLC0921 Castrate livestock  3 2
AFID0612 Identify and draft livestock 2 2
AFIM0412 Identify and mark livestock  2 1
AFBD0312 Carry out birthing duties  2 1
AFIM0521 Implement procedures of calving  4 4
AFCO0121 Carry out daily work routines in a veterinary clinic  4 4
AFVD0221 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons  3 3
AFRA1421 Manage and maintain the health of research animals 4 2