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If you have lost your original qualification certificate, VQA may be able to provide confirmation of the studies you completed. This will only be the case if VQA issued the original document, or, if you did not receive a certificate from your provider, when they recorded your results in the VQA Qualifications Registry.

Please be aware that

  1. There is a fee to pay when submitting your application form for obtaining a copy of your qualification.
  2. The application form is available at the front office of the VQA or downloadable at this link.

Before you submit an application

  1. Please check whether your original document came from VQA. If it did it will have had the VQA seal on it on the bottom and it will have been signed by the VQA CEO. If not check with your provider if VQA holds your provider's records and they entered your results in the Vanuatu Qualifications Registry.
  2. Fill in the application form. You can collect it from the office of the VQA or download it here. Make sure you submit it with the required documents listed in the form.

Submit your application

Submit your application form with the fees applicable at the front office of the VQA.

After submitting your application

VQA will contact you when the copy is ready to be collected. Please put the address below on the envelope when submitting your application:

Vanuatu Qualifications Authority
P.O Box 153
Re: Application form for copy of qualification

The Vanuatu Qualifications Authority (VQA) is the national regulator of the post-school education and training (PSET) sector. The VQA regulates PSET courses and providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

The VQA is governed by a Board with a structure that is intended to reflect the Government's vision for a demand driven PSET system. Membership comprises representatives from key government agencies and representatives of the productive sector - both public and private. A network of Provincial Training Boards provides advice to the VQA Board and supports the development of VQA policy and planning.

The VQA is one of the key agents in the implementation of the national PSET Policy 2016-2020. The VQA is working in close collaboration with the Tertiary Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Training and with PSET providers to achieve the PSET Policy vision of: A sustainable, well-coordinated and inclusive PSET system that maximises access to relevant and quality assured qualifications that lead to improved economic, social and cultural development opportunities for all.

The specific role of the VQA within the PSET system is to:

  • Set and maintain the standards for provider registration and course accreditation;
  • Assure the quality of providers and accredited courses;
  • Engage industry in the development of courses and units of competency;
  • Develop and maintain of the Vanuatu Qualifications Framework (VQF);
  • Facilitate international recognition of qualifications;
  • Monitor and evaluate PSET performance; and,
  • Conduct research to support the above.

Further details can be found in the PSET Policy 2016-2020 and the VQA Act No.1 of 2014.

Under the direction of the VQA Board, the Chief Executive Officer provides leadership to the VQA Executive and has overall responsibility for three divisions:

  1. Corporate Services, Research, Planning and Monitoring,
  2. Quality Assurance and Compliance, and
  3. Standards and Qualifications.

For more information on the work of each division, read The VQA Organisational Structure. We also have some information on Our Vision, Mission and Principles and The VQA Team.


Registered Providers

This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.

Accredited Courses

The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.

This category will hold all categories to be edited by csdu officers
For articles that describe one vacancy each. They can then be published, unpublished, and the category list page will show all the available vacancies
This category holds all Articles relating to VQA Board Decisions