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This page only applies to Vanuatu providers. Overseas providers wishing to register in Vanuatu are referred to  Registration of Overseas Providers.

To become a Registered PSET Provider in Vanuatu, a provider must first gain approval for Notice of Intent to Register.

The second and final step in the process is the application for initial registration. The purpose of this process is to ensure that the provider has the basic resources, the key people and the policies and procedures in place to provide quality post-school education and training. The application is judged against the Standards for Provider Registration in the Vanuatu Quality Assurance Framework.

To download the related documents and forms, click on the following link:

A person or organisation intending to establish for the first time to offer post-school education and training in Vanuatu must apply for Notice of Intent to Register as the first step towards becoming a Registered Provider.

The purpose of this process is for the provider to explain its intentions to the VQA and for VQA to verify that there is a need for the proposed PSET provider and that the proposed provider has the elementary plans and structures in place to start applying for provider registration.

The procedure to follow is found in the following document: PSET Provider Registration Procedures.

All the documents related to this process can be found in:

Overseas providers wishing to register in Vanuatu are referred to the documentation on Registration of Overseas Providers.

The Vanuatu Qualifications Registry, abbreviated as the VQR, is a website and database developed by the VQA, to record student learning in Vanuatu. All registered providers need to record all the learning their learners undertake when they are studying a unit of competency or other course component in an Accredited Course.

The system records:

  • The Learners who are enrolled in Courses and Units of Competency / Course Components
  • The Courses that the Learners are studying in
  • The Units of Competency / Course Components the Learners have enrolled in and their result 
  • The Providers who have approval to deliver accredited courses, so that they are able to enrol Learners in the Units of Competency / Course Components they are delivering
  • The Trainers who are teaching the units / components, so that they can fill in the learners' results
  • Whether a Learner has completed the Qualification they studied for; if so, the system is able to print their certificate.

While all this data is recorded for both the benefit of the Providers and the Learners, it also gives VQA the ability to generate reports on the number of learners that are undertaking Post School Education and Training, what courses they enrol in, and how well the learners and the providers are performing. This is useful information for VQA and the government of Vanuatu, to assist with planning and budgeting. The information can also be used to strengthen the capabilities of Providers, where difficulties exist.

To use the VQR, go to http://vqr.edu.vu.


Registered Providers

This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.

Accredited Courses

The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.

This category will hold all categories to be edited by csdu officers
For articles that describe one vacancy each. They can then be published, unpublished, and the category list page will show all the available vacancies
This category holds all Articles relating to VQA Board Decisions