If you do not have a login yet, then please contact VQA and we can create one for you.
When you are logged in, you will see, on the right side of this page, the list of all the courses you have approval to deliver for. You can click on a course, to download a document with the details of all the course components inside that course.
If you are logged in, and the only item you see in the list is "Course Components", then you do not have access to any of the course component details.
If you feel that there are some courses missing in the list, for which you should be able to download the course component details, because you have approval to deliver that course, then please contact VQA.
The following sets of resources exists:
- Policies and Procedures
These documents support the formal aspects of achieving high quality PSET. There are documents regarding:- Provider Registration
- Course Accreditation
- Approval to Deliver an Accredited Course
- Assessment and Moderation
- Quality Audit
- Guidelines and Handbooks
These documents are aimed at helping providers with different aspects of their work. The following documents are available:- Handbook for the Development of Courses
- Handbook for the Development of Courses
- General Documents
These documents underpin the work of a PSET provider and of VQA. The following documents are available:- Vanuatu Quality Assurance Framework (VQAF)
- Vanuatu Qualifications Framework (VQF)
- VQF Credit Profile
- VQA Act No 1 of 2014 (English)
- VQA Act No 1 of 2014 (French)
A course is a structured sequence of education and training designed to meet the requirements of a qualification.
Course development is expensive as it requires people’s time as well as the purchase or creation of facilities, equipment and other physical resources. To help providers with this process, VQA has created the Handbook for the Development of Courses, which guides providers through the different steps to take, with supporting documents in course development documents.
The Vanuatu Qualifications Authority (VQA) has a National Qualifications Development Officer (NQDO) to assist you with all areas of course development. One of the things s/he can help with, in case you are developing a National Qualification, is identifying the Units of Competency that you need for your course, of which some or all may already have been developed by VQA.
In fact, if you are developing a National Qualification, then you must contact the NQDO to assist you with this.
The VQA requires course developers in Vanuatu who are in the process of designing a course in preparation for accreditation to follow the course development process. One of the important steps in the process, once you have established the need for the course, is to apply for intention to accredit with VQA, to make sure that your course will be able to gain accreditation once development of the course is completed. For more information visit the Application for Intention to Accredit page.
Details of the steps to be taken in course development are found in the Handbook for the Development of the Courses
Provider details
Registered Providers
This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.
Course details
Accredited Courses
The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.