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Quality audit consists of a range of activities, carried out internally by a Registered Provider or externally by the VQA to ensure the ongoing quality of the provider's performance.

Quality Audit is one of the key quality assurance functions of the VQA, as mandated by the VQA Act No.1 of 2014.

The purpose of the Quality Audit process is to ensure that Registered PSET Providers:

  1. continue to comply with the minimum Vanuatu Quality Assurance Framework (VQAF) standards for registration, and with the conditions for registration, and with the requirements of the accredited courses that the provider is delivering;
  2. provide education and training services that meet the needs of their stakeholders; and,
  3. continuously improve their outcomes and their performance.

The VQA policy on Quality Audit is found here: PSET Quality Audit Policy. Registered Providers must comply with this policy.

Registered Providers are required to participate in each of the following Quality Audit Activities:

Internal and External Post-Registration Monitoring

The purpose of the Internal and External Post-Registration Monitoring is, for a newly Registered Provider, to identify how well it is implementing its Quality Management System and Internal Monitoring Plan, and complying with the conditions for registration. Post-Registration monitoring is conducted within the first six months of a provider's initial registration. For further details, click on this link: Internal and External Post-Registration Monitoring.

Internal and External Annual Monitoring

Internal Monitoring is the ongoing process through which a provider identifies its own strengths, risks, areas for improvement and progress in providing quality education and training. External Annual Monitoring is for VQA to verify the ongoing quality of the provider's education and training services on the basis of the Registered Provider's Annual Internal Monitoring Report.

For further details, click on this link: Internal and External Monitoring.

Self-Review and External Review

During a Self-Review the Registered Provider must evaluate, over the entire period of current registration, its outcomes and processes across all its operations. The Self-Review is conducted in preparation for the External Review.

During the External Review VQA evaluates the Registered Provider's outcomes and processes which results in the assignment of a Quality Assurance Status to the Provider.

For further details, click on this link: Self-Review and External Review.

Complaint Investigation Monitoring

Complaint Investigation Monitoring is conducted by the VQA when a complaint is raised about a Registered Provider by one or more of the provider's stakeholders. Providers will be advised if they are required to participate in a Complaint Investigation Monitoring activity.

External Follow-up Monitoring

The purpose of External Follow-up Monitoring is for the VQA to verify if the recommendations from a previous external audit activity have been implemented, or if the Registered Provider's Annual Internal Monitoring Report is a true and accurate reflection of its practices.

Special Focus Monitoring

Special Focus Monitoring is conducted by the VQA to evaluate how well a particular focus area that is important for the quality of PSET in Vanuatu, as identified by the VQA or the VQA Board, is implemented across Registered Providers or within one or more selected Registered Providers. Providers will be advised in a timely manner if they are required to participate in a Special Focus Monitoring activity.

Learners will only be able to receive a VQA endorsed certificate of their qualification when this was achieved at a Registered Provider, having successfully completed an Accredited Course, for which the provider had Approval to Deliver.

The Approval to Deliver process ensures that a provider has the plan, resources, processes and people in place for quality delivery of a particular accredited course.

An Approval to Deliver application is measured against the relevant standards for provider registration in the Vanuatu Quality Assurance Framework.

For the details of the Approval to Deliver process and its related documents, see the following documents:
To be filled in


Registered Providers

This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.

Accredited Courses

The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.

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For articles that describe one vacancy each. They can then be published, unpublished, and the category list page will show all the available vacancies
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