Ordinary VQA Board Meetings are held quarterly, while extraordinary sessions are called whenever the need arises.All decisions are adopted during these meetings.
These decisions are listed on this section which includes:
These decisions are listed on this section which includes:

About the VQA Open Day
The VQA Open Day 2022 is planned for Wednesday 31st August 2022 at the Seafront Stage, Feiawa Park.
Provider details
Registered Providers
This list is sorted alphabetically. You can click on any of the PSET Providers' name to see more details.
Course details
Accredited Courses
The list of courses is quite long, so we are showing only 25 on each page. If you have a good Internet connection, you can select to see more than the 25 courses per page. Or you can go to the bottom of this page and click to go to the next section of the list.
The list is sorted first by area (like Agriculture, Aquaculture, Building and Construction, Business, etc), then by level (Certificate I, Certificate II, ...) and finally by specialization. The Courses are listed in alphabetical order.
Compentency Standards
This category will hold all categories to be edited by csdu officers
For articles that describe one vacancy each. They can then be published, unpublished, and the category list page will show all the available vacancies
This category holds all Articles relating to VQA Board Decisions